15 June 2009

Wisdom to go

So I did it - today I joined the ranks of the stroller pushing, Starbucks sipping mommy brigade that frequents the area of San Francisco known as Laurel Village. I even made the obligatory stop to babyGap and Gymboree - only to realize that there is absolutely nothing the little nugget needs. I did buy an eco-friendly pacifier (just in case) and re-usable wipes at DayOne and left before the "we NEED to have this" monster set in.

I allowed myself a Chai at Starbucks though somehow it was not as indulgently satisfying as I remember - perhaps I should have gotten some frothy sort of Frappa-something and really indulged. I put the cup nicely in the holder of my Snap-N-Go stroller and back to the car we went.

Once nugget, stroller and mama were in place - and the to go cup was now nestled into the appropriate holder in my car, my eyes focused on the text on the back of the cup. And I had to stop and read it again. Here is what it said.."The irony of commitment is that it's deeply liberating - in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life."

It is true - we fear the constriction of commitment, what we think we must give up. But really, there is only freedom on the otherside.

What are you afraid to commit to? What's stopping you?

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